News Article

Melbourne Farewells Highlight Machine Tucker

18 Jul
2 mins read

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By Dan Woods for

Melbourne United has fondly farewelled import Rayjon Tucker.

Melbourne United excitement machine Rayjon Tucker’s departure from the club has been confirmed, with the explosive wing having signed a deal with Italian club Reyer Venezia.

Tucker arrived in Melbourne having most recently played 10 games for the Milwaukee Bucks in season 2021-22. Prior to that, he had also represented Denver, Philadelphia and Utah in the NBA.

He also played under now departed Sydney coach Chase Buford at G-League side Wisconsin – the affiliate of the Bucks.

The high-flyer averaged 18.1 points per game across NBL23 in a season that saw United’s guard rotation beset by injury issues, and he was a crucial part of Melbourne’s late-season resurgence that saw them miss out on post-season basketball on percentage alone.

Melbourne is yet to announce any import signings for NBL24, but have made huge moves in the free agency market with the re-signings of Matthew Dellavedova and Jo Lual-Acuil Jr, and the signing of young gun Luke Travers from Perth.

United will open the NBL season on Thursday, September 28 against local rivals South East Melbourne.

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