News Article

Phoenix Closing in on Key Signings

14 Jul
3 mins read

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By Dan Woods for

South East Melbourne CEO Tommy Greer has revealed some of the club's top Summer League targets are still on the table.

South East Melbourne could be just days away from bringing new imports into the fold, according to club CEO Tommy Greer, who has ensured fans good news is just around the corner. 

Greer is one of a number of Phoenix representatives currently in Las Vegas for the NBA Summer League and, due to the re-signing of import centre Alan Williams, the club has as many as two import spots to fill ahead of NBL24.

“I really want to give you a name – normally I’m the guy that’s happy to throw them out there but we’re pretty close and if you can bear with us a few more days, we’ll be there,” Greer told NBL Media.

“We came here with that plan, a clear list and target list of who we wanted to go after. Luckily enough those targets we were chasing are still on the board for us.

“This is the same for every NBL club, you come in here with a pretty clear plan of what you’re trying to get done and it’s not always players that are actually here at Summer League. It’s the agents that are here and quite often the players aren’t even here playing in the tournament.

“We’re hoping over the next 72 hours we can get to a position to get pen to paper.”

The 2023 Summer League is now almost a week old, and as more high-level players participating at the tournament gain clarity around their potential NBA futures, the water will become clearer for the NBL sides vying for their signatures.

“Over the past couple of years we’ve realised the back end of the tournament is where all the decisions start to get made for the really high-level talent,” Greer said.

“Those guys that are looking at two-ways, it’s these last few days of the tournament where NBA front offices make their decision and let players know what’s going on.

“That really opens up that super high-level talent and gives them the opportunity to start making decisions on things outside the NBA.

“We’ve definitely got some irons in fires and we’re down the road on a couple of things, we’re waiting on that NBA piece to fall for them and expect over the next few days that will happen.”

The Phoenix certainly have a seat at the table when trying to tempt high-level talent overseas though – as does the rest of the competition.

Greer’s trip to Vegas has surrounded more than just player recruitment though. It’s acted as an opportunity to touch base with some of the club’s high-powered ownership group.

“It’s always a crazy couple of weeks, especially for our club. We’ve got so many owners who are based over here,” he said.

“We’ve had Josh Childress in town who’s been really helpful getting us some good connections and high level meetings, Zach Randolph popped through for a day or two, John Wall was doing some workouts so that was great to see him … for us it’s double-edged.

“It’s really good to be able to connect with ownership and spend some time with those guys and engage with them and having them facilitate good meetings, but the other side is you’re on the hunt and you’re trying to find the best talent you possibly can.”

South East Melbourne will open the NBL season against local rivals Melbourne United on Thursday, September 28.

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