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Jack White Is Ready for These Opportunities

29 Jun
15 mins read
It’s a dream of every young athlete to represent their country and Jack White is no different. As a talented basketball player, he’s already had the opportunity to do it as a junior and with the Emerging Boomers, but this week he’ll finally get his shot with the senior national men’s team.

Written for by Tom Hersz

It’s a dream of every young athlete to represent their country and Jack White is no different. As a talented basketball player, he’s already had the opportunity to do it as a junior and with the Emerging Boomers, but this week he’ll finally get his shot with the senior national men’s team.

The Traralgon native and Melbourne United talent has been working towards this for years, but especially so in the past 14 months after he ruptured his Achilles in April last year.

White worked his way back to take the court for United in December, some eight months post injury and was a strong contributor for Melbourne as they finished on top of the ladder before bowing out in the NBL semi finals.

Now White gets his chance to be a Boomer, as part of the roster that will face China and Japan in World Cup Qualifiers in Melbourne, starting Thursday night at John Cain Arena. His dream is about to be realised.

"Yeah. I’ve been fortunate enough to represent Australia a few times before this at the 17s, 19s and at the University Games. But representing the senior national team has been a lifelong dream of mine," White told NBL Media.

"And especially, what feels like so quickly after the Achilles [injury] and everything that I’ve had to go through on that front, it just seems so surreal that this opportunity has come my way.

"To do it, especially on home soil and in Melbourne, I’m going to have plenty of friends and family around coming out to support, I just feel so fortunate to be in this position.

"To be coached by Goorj [Brian Goorjian] and Mike [Kelly] and JR [John Rillie] and Kerry [Williams] and the amazing staff and players that are in this camp and involved in this group, I’m just trying to soak everything in as it comes and just trying to enjoy it.

"Because this moment, this camp, these games are definitely giving me something that I’ll never forget."

White steps into a Boomers roster that features six debutants. Only one player from the ‘Rose Gold’ medal winning Tokyo team will be playing in Matthew Dellavedova, so White has a really good opportunity to play meaningful minutes and a significant role in his first Boomers campaign.

However, given the short preparation this group has – with only a five-day window together before their first game on Thursday night – White isn’t yet sure exactly what his role will be, but does have a good sense of what this group will be about when they take the court against China.


"There hasn’t been a whole lot of in-depth discussion about what my role is specifically," White explained.

"I feel like I have a good opportunity to play significant minutes and these games are by no means going to be easy. These teams are extremely tough and we’re going to have our work cut out for us, but I feel like I’ve been having a really good camp so far and just trying to learn the system.

"I’ve been fortunate to play with and against a lot of these guys that are in camp, so I’m familiar with their games. In terms of my role, I’m just trying to do whatever I can to help the team be successful and I feel like I can do that in a multitude of different ways.

"Whether that’s my defence, my talk and direction I can give out on the floor with my voice, being aggressive on the offensive end, rebounding. I feel like our group is quick and mobile, especially compared to China and Japan.

"We definitely want to play fast and free and play defence. We saw at the Olympics that they had a great deal of success by hanging their hats on the effort they put forth at that end. That’s something that we definitely want to emulate and I feel like we have the group to be able to do that. I really want to lead that front.

"We want to make sure that we get that done, transition into our offence, play with pace, play with freedom and I feel like that suits my game and how I like to play. I’m really just excited to put that into practice when these games come along and I feel like I’ve been doing a good job of that and working out how I can be effective so far in camp."

Dellavedova has been named the captain for these qualifiers. As White’s teammate with United this past season, Delly has certainly helped White feel more comfortable within the group in his first Boomers campaign.

"Yeah, I think so," admitted White.

"I feel like regardless of him being in that position, just the quality of people we have around makes it a welcoming environment. Obviously, with him involved, being the head of the snake within the playing group and then with Goorj and their relationship, that transferral from [coaching] staff to the players is a whole lot smoother.

"Having him as a teammate last season at United and understanding how he likes to play and him understanding how I like to play, I feel like we can really complement each other well coming into these games."

The short time this group has to prepare means there isn’t much of a focus on scouting their opponents as part of this camp.

It’s been much more about what they need to do as a group, how they need to play and how to ensure that famous Boomers culture permeates throughout the team.

Their opponents have only just finalised their rosters, so instead they’ve spent more time on a blueprint for how these teams like to play traditionally and how the Boomers can best combat that with their own play.

"The vast majority of the focus has been on us and how we’re going to be able to best tackle our opponents," explained White.

"So, a lot of the focus has been on us picking up the systems, both on offence and defence, and building the culture within the group, which is another big thing that the Boomers preach and another thing that brings this Boomers program above and beyond what other national teams are able to do.

"That’s from the groundwork that’s been laid down from Patty and Bogues, Joe and Delly and Baynes; all these guys that have been in this program for years.

"To be able to be a part of it now, for me, after watching these guys and the success that they’ve had on the international level, I just feel so fortunate. For the time being, it’s definitely been a focus on us and how we can be the best group that we can be."

Of course, being selected for the Boomers is not the only exciting thing happening for White this off-season. On Monday, once these qualifiers are finished, White will fly straight out to Las Vegas for the NBA Summer League where he’ll be part of the Denver Nuggets squad.

It will be White’s first go-round at Summer League and it’s certainly another opportunity he is ready for and excited for.

White and his agent decided that the chance to play for the Nuggets was the best fit for him this year.



"I feel like I’ve been using this word a lot, but I was really fortunate with the opportunities that were coming my way in that realm," White said.

"The Nuggets, right before the playoffs started, wanted to lock me away with them and that was the most aggressive any team had been with trying to have me on board, so me and my agent took that as a really positive sign and decided there was a really good opportunity there.

"They were looking for a defensive-minded forward and I feel like I can fit that role pretty well. Obviously, they’re a top-notch organisation that’s had a great deal of success, especially recently but over an extended period of time, so it felt like a bit of a no-brainer for us to lock in being with them.

"I’m super excited to represent their organisation once the Boomers stuff is all done. It’s going to be a bit of a hectic three or four weeks as I head on a plane the following morning after the last [Boomers] game and try to get up to speed with everything they’ve been doing over there.

"They’ve been so great and so supportive of me playing with the national team and understand how much it means to me to represent my country, especially for the first time on the senior level.

"In saying this, I feel like this is great preparation for me leading into summer league and that it’s a win-win in terms of that. I just need to go over there and let it rip, and whatever happens, happens. Just need to play my game and enjoy each experience that’s come my way.

White knows that Summer League is just the first step in pursuing his other dream of someday playing in the NBA.

If things go well in the coming weeks, it could open up further opportunities from invitations to mini-camps, to signing a training camp contract, to potentially being offered an NBA contract for the upcoming season.

White is realistic about what could come of it, but feels like a strong tournament in Vegas could reap rewards, and even if those rewards don’t come right away, he’s in a great spot with a locked in contract in the NBL with Melbourne.

"I feel like if I do a good job, there’s potential for a two-way [contract] to come out of it," he said.

"That would be obviously ideal. In saying that, if the timing’s not right, the timing’s not right. I feel fortunate to be signed with United for another three years and know that I’m in a great place if that doesn’t work out.

"And if it doesn’t, you’d best believe that I’m not going to stop working towards achieving that goal, just as I’d wanted to achieve the Boomers goal throughout my career.

"I feel like I’ve had really good preparation. I’m feeling great physically, I’m in a really good place mentally with it all, so just trying to go over there and have no regrets, have fun. Summer league is something that I wanted to do last year, but the injury got in the way.

"This is something I feel really prepared for, I’m obviously there for a reason and I feel wanted by the organisation to be a part of that team. Just that in itself gives me even more confidence to go over there and play my game."

White is not going to Las Vegas as an unknown commodity. He did captain Duke after all.

He had a lot of eyeballs watching him and his team when he was there, playing alongside the likes of Jayson Tatum, Zion Williamson, RJ Barrett, Cam Reddish, Marvin Bagley and Wendell Carter Jr across his years in Durham.

But he’s also had eyeballs from being in the NBL – a league that is constantly watched by NBA scouts and executives, meaning they are very familiar with White’s body of work over the last six years.

He has name recognition and that could help to boost his profile in Vegas which could lead to future NBA opportunities.

"Potentially. It can definitely make a difference," acknowledged White.

"Obviously, I’m not inside the heads of NBA execs and scouts, but I feel like playing at that sort of level and being around the players that I’ve been around and being able to compete brings me some sort of advantage.

"But I think regardless of that, how I’ve been able to recover from the Achilles and the body of work I’ve been able to show in the NBL, and how the NBL is viewed on a global scale now, is a really positive thing.

"So that body of work over the last few years will be an advantage in terms of people knowing who I am and appreciating the type of basketball that I play."

But for now, White is just focussed on making the most of these two opportunities. He’s been back on the court for over six months and is well and truly recovered from that Achilles injury.

He made it through the NBL season and finals and has had some additional time to work on his body these past six weeks or so since United’s season finished. 



Given that, this may be the best possible time for these two opportunities – the Boomers and Summer League – to come his way.

"I think so," said White.

"I feel like mentally reflecting on everything that’s come my way, it still feels super fresh. Even though it was six or seven months ago that I made the full recovery from the Achilles, that time period has just flown by and now I find myself being able to tick off two major goals in my basketball career.

"I’ve been so fortunate with the people I’ve been surrounded by at Melbourne United, with the national team and at Geelong playing NBL1.

"I’ve been surrounded by such great people that have been pushing me and helping me improve both as a player and a person, so I feel like I’m definitely ready for these opportunities that have come up and, because of that, I feel prepared at a really high level and I’m just going to let it rip."

While White is grateful to have been named to this Boomers roster, he hopes to cement his place in the Boomers program going forward.

The next FIBA World Cup is in 2023 while Paris 2024 is just around the corner. Landing a roster spot in either or both of those campaigns would be the culmination of everything White has been working towards pre and post his injury.

The reality is his game is somewhat unique amongst those vying for a roster spot and a good showing in this window, plus a strong year of growth and development ahead would put White in good stead for a shot at making the team.

He’s pretty clear on how he can differentiate himself and help any team he’s a part of to win. He hopes that becomes clear to everyone else in the process.

"I think with me it starts with my defence, what I can bring physically and what that helps me do versatility-wise within the group," White explained.

"I’ve been playing that small-ball four role which I feel like I have a perfect fit for with my skill set. I feel like I can defend multiple positions and play aggressive on the defensive end, play a high level in transition.

"My shot is something I’ve been working tirelessly at to improve the consistency of, because I feel like I haven’t shot the ball at the level that I know I can – not only in the NBL but at College and I feel like I’ve been showing that at a high level in camp so far.

"I feel like I have a pretty good head on my shoulders and willing to learn, and just thankful for being in these positions that I’m in and I’m always willing to improve and get better. I’m almost desperate to continue to make these teams and represent Australia any time I can.

"The World Cup next year is definitely a big goal on my mind and hopefully I can show the level of player that I am in these three games and continue to make improvements over the next twelve months and then that World Cup roster will become a reality for me.

"Obviously, I’m still pretty young and still have a long way to go in my development but I feel like I can take steps in the right direction and can really help teams be successful. I take great pride in that and in being a winner, and in going to different teams and places and leaving it better than when I found it.

"I want that to be no different with my time at United and my time with the Nuggets at Summer League and my time with the Boomers right now. I’m just trying to do things the right way, play my game, play hard and enjoy each experience and hopefully I keep having those opportunities and benefits come my way."


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